Answered By: John Kissinger
Last Updated: Apr 17, 2019     Views: 92

Unfortunatly this is not possible to retrieve documents saved that you on our college computers from off-campus.

We strongly recommend that you save your documents to a flash drive and avoid saving them on the hard drives (C drives) of on-campus computers as these files are regularly erased.


You can save documents and files to something called the "U" drive. If you are logged into a campus computer under your student account you can save documents under this drive designation. The 'U' drive saves to the campus computer network rather than to a single computer. You can retrieve your files using any computer on campus that is directly connected to the campus network such as those in the library and the computer labs. It is not possible to access the   "U" drive from home.  Please note: this is not possible if you are using the WAVE wifi network.


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